Guest Blogging Service

Guest blogging has become an extremely popular and effective SEO tactic over the past few years. By publishing content on reputable third-party blogs, you can gain backlinks, increase brand awareness, and drive qualified organic traffic to your own website.

However, finding guest posting opportunities and creating high-quality articles takes a significant amount of time and effort. This is where working with a professional guest blogging service like LearnWithSiam can benefit your website and save you time.

What is Guest Blogging?

Guest blogging (or guest posting) is the practice of creating and publishing articles and other content on a blog you don’t own. As a guest blogger, you will author content for an already established blog in your industry.

The host blog will generally be in your niche but have a different (but related) core focus to yours. The aim is to get exposure and links in front of the host site’s engaged audience.

Why Guest Post?

There are several key benefits associated with guest blogging as part of an SEO and content marketing strategy:

  • Increased brand awareness – By contributing to industry blogs, you can introduce your brand to new audiences. Quality guest posts position you as an expert in your niche which builds trust and authority.
  • Backlinks – Guest blogging is a proven way to earn high-quality backlinks from authoritative sites. Backlinks signal search engines that your content is valuable and help improve your site’s ranking.
  • More traffic – Exposure to reputable industry blogs sends new visitors to your site. If the content is high-quality, it will continue generating traffic over time through organic searches and shares.
  • Improved SEO – Publishing guest posts on outbound sites help diversify your backlink profile and spread link equity. This signals search engines that your site is an authority on your chosen topics.

Why Hire a Guest Posting Service?

While the benefits of guest posting are clear, actually finding guest posting opportunities and then crafting high-quality articles is challenging:

Finding Relevant Opportunities

The first hurdle is identifying blogs that accept guest contributions and are a good match for your niche and audience. Building relationships with site owners takes a significant amount of outreach.

Creating Share-Worthy Content

Even once you’ve found possible websites to pitch, you need to create compelling articles that deliver value to their readers. The content needs to be useful and on-brand for the host site.

Pitching and Publishing

After writing posts, you still need to pitch the articles to blog owners and publishers and negotiate to get them accepted and live on their sites.

This whole process is extremely time-consuming. A quality guest posting service like LearnWithSiam handles the entire process for you – from opportunity research to content creation and publishing.

Why Choose LearnWithSiam?

LearnWithSiam offers white hat guest posting services that are completely safe and ethical. We have a proven track record of delivering high domain authority backlinks from reputable websites.

Here’s why top SEO agencies trust us for their client’s guest posting needs:

Handpicked Opportunities

We research guest post options tailored to your niche then handpick sites we’ve built relationships with. All opportunities result in dofollow backlinks from sites with DA30+.

Content Created by Experts

Our writers create custom-written articles optimized specifically for each site we publish on. The content is detailed, engaging, and 5-star.

Guaranteed Publishing

We handle all pitching and negotiations. Within 60 days of ordering, your articles are professionally published live on your chosen sites. We guarantee page-one placements.

White Hat Techniques

We use a completely white hat, ethical strategies approved by Google. No PBNs, spammy networks, or shady tactics – just quality content placed on authoritative sites.

Rank Tracking and Reports

We provide full reports with placements and live backlinks along with rank tracking for your target keywords. You can see the direct impact of links on rankings.

Our Guest Posting Process

We make guest posting for SEO simple. Our team of experts takes care of the entire process for you:

Step 1: Consulting

Our guest posting consultants will learn about your business, brand, ideal audience, and content goals. We’ll craft a tailored guest posting strategy to get you placements that move the needle.

Step 2: Opportunity Matching

We research websites in your industry that accept and welcome contributed posts. We have relationships with site owners across a wide range of niches to secure placements.

Step 3: Content Creation

Our writers will produce custom-written articles aligned with each website’s mission and audience. Content is specifically optimized for the site it will be featured on.

Step 4: Pitching

We handle all pitching to site owners, publishers, and editors to secure placements. Our Beijing team follows up on all outreach to get your articles accepted and scheduled.

Step 5: Publishing

Within 60 days, your guest posts go live on approved sites. We guarantee live publishing on DR30+ domains. You get a full report and delivery on placements.

Step 6: Rank Tracking

We provide rank-tracking reports for your target keywords related to guest posts. You can see how placements directly influence search rankings over time.

By managing this full guest posting process for you, we make earning high-quality backlinks easy. You simply provide your goals, topics, and keywords – we handle the rest.

Guest Posting Packages

We offer custom guest posting campaign packages to match any budget and goals. Below, you’ll find some of our most sought-after


  • 5 guest posts
  • Handpicked DR30+ placements
  • Content length: 1,000 words each
  • Content creation and publishing included
  • Rank tracking for 5 keywords


  • 10 guest posts
  • Handpicked DR40+ placements
  • Content length: 1,500 words each
  • Content creation and publishing included
  • Rank tracking for 10 keywords


  • 20 guest posts
  • Handpicked DR50+ placements
  • Content length: 2,000 words each
  • Content creation and publishing included
  • Rank tracking for 20 keywords


  • 50 guest posts
  • Handpicked DR60+ placements
  • Content length: 2,000 words each
  • Content creation and publishing included
  • Rank tracking for 50 keywords

Let’s discuss your specific goals and customize a campaign that fits within your budget. We also offer a la carte guest posting services if you prefer flexibility.

Why Guest Posting Works

There are a few core reasons why guest posting remains one of the most effective SEO tactics today:

1. Earn High-Quality Backlinks

The number one benefit of guest posting is it allows you to earn backlinks from authoritative sites in your industry. High-quality backlinks remain one of the strongest ranking factors used by Google and other search engines. They signal your site offers valuable content.

2. Exposure to New Audiences

By tapping into the engaged visitors on reputable blogs, guest posts expose your brand to target new audiences. Publishing on niche industry sites connects you with people genuinely interested in your offerings.

3. Establish Thought Leadership

Consistently publishing guest posts allows you to demonstrate your expertise on specific topics. You establish credibility by creating content that delivers value. This thought leadership boosts conversions and sales.

4. Improve Search Rankings

Done correctly, guest posting will improve your SEO and Google rankings by expanding your backlink profile and domain authority. Guest posts also boost search visibility for target keywords.

5. Diversify Your Marketing

Guest posting diversifies your digital marketing strategy away from just focusing on your own site. A blended content promotion approach reduces risk and amplifies results.

Guest Posting Best Practices

While guest blogging offers many benefits, there are also best practices you should follow to ensure success:

Pick Niche-Relevant Sites

Only pitch and publish on sites where the content will interest that blog’s target audience. Make sure it’s a quality fit. Avoid spammy or completely irrelevant websites.

Create Custom Content

Content needs to be custom-written specifically for each site you pitch. Republishing duplicate articles across sites is ineffective and risks rejection.

Focus on Value and Insights

Posts should aim to teach readers something new and valuable. Deliver actionable tips, fresh insights, data, or research. Don’t just pitch product pitches. Provide useful information.

Include Natural Links

Within the content, include relevant natural links back to resources on your own site. Make sure they flow within the context and content.

Follow Link Guidance

Always adhere to the specific guest post guidelines or rules related to links for each blog. Don’t spam excessive links. Keep them relevant and high-quality.

Be Persistent and Patient

Guest posting takes consistency and patience. Not every pitch results in a placement. Follow up appropriately and look to build relationships with site owners over a long time frame.

Guest Posting versus Paid Advertising

Both guest posting and paid ads like Google Ads can be viable marketing tactics. But there are some major variations:

Guest Posting

  • Builds backlinks and organic rankings
  • Content continues to generate traffic over time
  • Establishes domain authority and expertise
  • More budget-friendly than paid ads

Paid Advertising

  • Immediate traffic when campaigns are live
  • Full control over targeting options
  • Can test different messaging quickly
  • Easy to measure direct ROI and conversions

We recommend blended strategies that utilize both organic and paid tactics for overall impact. The lasting SEO benefits of guest posts perfectly complement paid ads.


  • Guest posting remains one of the most effective tactics to earn high authority backlinks leading to better search rankings and more organic traffic.
  • However, finding quality opportunities, producing engaging content, and pitching successfully is extremely time-consuming.
  • A professional guest posting service like LearnWithSiam can save you time while generating results. We manage every step from starting point to the end.
  • Trust our experience to connect you to new audiences, establish thought leadership, and directly strengthen your overall SEO through white hat guest posting.

Frequently Asked Questions

We secure placements on DR30+ sites relevant to your niche with engaged audiences. All sites have high domain authority and reputable brands in their industry.

Our writers create detailed, insightful articles optimized for each site. We include natural contextual backlinks and follow the site’s specific guidelines.

Every article is crafted from scratch specifically for the website it will be featured on. Our writers never plagiarize or reuse content across websites.

We follow the site’s guidelines for links whether that’s 2 to 3 links or more if relevant. Links will be natural and add value for readers.

Quality placements will improve your backlink profile leading to higher rankings for target keywords. You also gain exposure to new audiences interested in your niche.

Would you like to start a project with us?

Our dedicated team will provide customized solutions and deliver quality results within your timeline. Contact us now and bring your vision to life!